People who acquire healthy habits not only enjoy better mood, but reduce the risk of diseases, infections and body aches, but how can you take care of your health in a simple way?

Take care of the height of your rearview mirror. When driving, try to have the rear view mirror tilted upwards. With this, your back will remain straight, you will improve your posture, and you will reduce the neck pains.

Avoid crossing the legs. This movement damages your blood circulation and elevates blood pressure.

Choose the first bathroom cubicle. In public toilets, this place is used less, so it has a smaller amount of bacteria. Use it to reduce the spread of disease, says Allison Janse, author of The Germ Freak’s Guide to Outwitting Colds and Flu.

Get away from the screen. Staying many hours exposed to the computer monitor can trigger conditions such as eyestrain, neck and back pain, eye dryness and irritation. Sit at a distance where your arm is fully stretched.

Change your pillow every 18 months. You will avoid the presence of fungi, mites, and a waste of skin cells, which generate allergies, asthma, and sinusitis.

Eat in small plates. A study by the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University suggests that people eat 22% less when they serve their food in small dishes. With this, you can lose weight!

Watch funny movies. Laughter is an excellent exercise for the heart because it increases blood flow by dilating the capillary vessels.

Health Care in Summer

The skin

With the arrival of summer, people are more exposed to the sun. Therefore, it is essential to take certain precautions.

There is a misconception that tanning is healthy. However, sun exposure, through ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can cause severe damage to the skin. Some injuries appear immediately, such as burns and blisters; others – such as premature aging of the skin, spots, and even skin cancer – can occur over the years, since the harmful effects of these radiations accumulate over time.

  • It is recommended the use of sunscreens that prevent the aggression of ultraviolet rays. The minimum protection factor is SPF 15. According to your skin type and background, your dermatologist will be able to indicate the most appropriate protector.
  • For the protection to be adequate, the protector must be applied every two hours and after each bath, because even though they appear as water resistant, they lose their properties.
  • If you are on the mountain, in the water or sailing, use creams with a protection factor higher than SPF 30. Be sure to apply it evenly on all exposed areas of your body; including ears, nape and bald parts of his head.

Prevention during the summer

In the summer months, the sun, high temperatures, the dryness of the environment or the chlorine of the pools can affect the health of the eyes, so we must take precautions and take the appropriate protection measures.

Inflammatory processes, such as allergic or irritative conjunctivitis, increase its incidence in the hot months. Radiation is harmful to the cornea and lens, and ultraviolet rays induce aging of the skin and glass and can cause cataracts.

Chlorine from swimming pool water or salt from seawater can irritate, while the dryness of the environment (both natural and by the use of air conditioning) causes more significant evaporation of the tear, increasing the sensation of dry eye.

To protect our eyes, we must use:

  • Sunglasses
  • Visors or hats
  • Goggles
  • Sunscreen with UV filter

In the case of “dry eye” we must increase the blinking, consciously, and if necessary, use artificial tears, prescribed by the ophthalmologist. It is advisable to humidify the environment in case of using air conditioning.